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We are excited to welcome you to the first annual RDH Evolve Hygiene Conference in Edmonton. Please see a sample of our esteemed guest speakers below.

Speaker: Dr. Michael Glogauer

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Oral Inflammation and Links to Systemic Disease: Periodontal Care with a Focus on "Oral Inflammatory Load" Reduction

Oral Inflammation is the first sign of active periodontal disease and detecting gingivitis/ periodontitis early in your patients is the key to preventing destruction of the periodontium. Oral inflammation  has also now been shown to activate the circulating immune system and impact systemic health. We will review the most recent evidence on links between oral and systemic health and how early detection of oral inflammation can be used to personalize and optimize dental care and overall health

Speaker: Dr. Liran Levin

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Peri-implantitis – All you want (or not) to know!  

During the last years, the use of dental implants is becoming a common practice and peri-implant diseases are more frequently evident. Apparently, as time goes by and also implies from the available literature, we will be seeing more and more cases of peri-implant diseases. The reported prevalence in the literature reaches almost 30 to 50% of implant patients. This means that one out of two or three of our implant patients might present with peri-implant disease at some point. This is also an important aspect of informed consent for our patients. Another troubling issue with regards to peri-implant diseases is the lack of appropriate, well-documented gold-standard treatment, specifically for peri-implantitis. There are many suggested treatment options described in case reports and case series in the literature; none of them seems to provide a predictable long-term resolution of the disease.


In order to prevent and treat peri-implant diseases, there is a need to understand the nature of the disease and the risk factors.

This lecture will focus on causes and risk factors for peri-implant diseases, ways to prevent its occurrence as well as the currently available treatment options for peri-implantitis.  Preventive measures as well as treatment planning dilemmas will be discussed as well.

Speaker: Tina Clarke

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Pain Management: Anesthesia for Dental Hygienists

Explore traditional and advanced pain management, including non-

injectable solutions. Review maxillary and mandibular techniques.


Injections like, the Inferior Alveolar nerve block, Gow-Gates, AMSA and

more. Gain insider tips for creating a comfortable injection experience.

Come, elevate your skills in pain management.



After this course the learner will be able to:

1. Identify non-injectable anesthetic solutions and their uses for patient


2. Implement traditional and advanced injection techniques.

3. Utilize atraumatic injection techniques.

Speaker: Lisa Mayo

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Upgrade and Re-Boot Your Dental Hygiene Operatory-Using evidenced-based science to drive periodontal treatment.

Contemporary healthcare models for dentistry and medicine have shortened the time a provider spends with their patient but still demands high quality outcomes. This course will teach a contemporary approach to dental hygiene procedures that improves efficiency of debridement, decreases operator muscle strain and injury, and maximizes procedure time with integrated technology. Come and learn to work smarter, not harder, while integrating evidence-based dentistry in your dental hygiene operatory.

Speaker: Dr. Cheryl Cable

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Getting Ahead of the Tsunami of HPV-Related Head and Neck Cancer: A Call to Action 

Learning Objectives:

  • Review the burden of HPV related cancers, including HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer and the latest recommendations for HPV immunization.

  • Using quality examples, discuss how dentists and dental hygienists can integrate HPV prevention recommendations in their clinical practice

  • Describe the roles of the dental team and how to work with community pharmacy to create efficiencies in HPV immunization

12:00 - 1:00PM

Lunch & Exhibitor Hall

Speaker: Lisa Mayo

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Diversify Your Ultrasonic Insert and Tip Portfolio

Learn to diversify your ultrasonic magnetostrictive insert and piezoelectric tip portfolio for full mouth periodontal debridement. Dental ultrasonic technology has come a long way since its inception in 1953. Today, manufacturers offer a wide range of ultrasonic equipment to satisfy any patient presentation. When the dental hygienist has access to a variety of inserts and tips, procedures are completed more efficiently and effectively. Just as a provider uses a variety of hand instruments for non-surgical procedures, so too is needed for ultrasonic instrumentation. Discover a diversified insert and tip portfolio into clinical practice that improves efficiency and patient comfort during periodontal debridement.

12:00 - 1:00PM

Lunch & Exhibitor Hall

Speaker: Kerry Lepicek

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Caries Disease Management - A proactive approach

Did you know nearly all cavities are preventable? Our focus needs to shift from a reactive to a proactive approach. It begins with identifying the causes and risk factors associated with caries disease. Dental caries affects more than just your patient's teeth. We will discuss some systemic implications, tools, products and technology that can help your patients and enhance your assessment skills. Kerry will show you how to add a caries management program into modern dental practice.


Course Objectives:
Learn how to identify high-risk caries patients.

Explore how to implement a proacitve caris risk management program.
Gain insight into different homecare tools and treatment options to elevate patient care.

Speaker: Karen Xekominos

Heart Health - It's all Connected

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12:00 - 1:00PM

Lunch & Exhibitor Hall

Speaker: Melissa K. Turner

It's Never Been a Better Time to be a Dental Hygienist: An Exciting Review of Career Roles, Opportunities & Pathways for the Modern Hygienist

It’s a new day in dentistry, and the future for dental hygienists is strong and bright! With ever-increasing roles and responsibilities both inside and outside of the dental op, this course will review the modern pathways available for hygienists - influencer, advisor, educator, entrepreneur, writer and more! It’s never been a better time to be a dental hygienist...this is our time to shine!



-Understand the role of the dental hygienist in the past and present, including a deep dive into state practice acts to discover the many variations of clinical roles hygienists hold.

-Discover the latest current opportunities dental hygienists have both inside and outside of the op.

-Learn from personal stories of dental hygienists who hold unique roles in dentistry, such as entrepreneur, advocate, and manager. 

-Address the barriers dental hygienists commonly face when expanding outside of their traditional role.

Speaker: Chrissy Ford

Implementation Workshop 

Ready to Level Up Your Hygiene Department?

“Implementation: The process of moving an idea from concept to reality” 


Have you struggled with moving from concept learned to reality into your practice?  Have you ever come back from a CE event and thought, “we need to implement this in our practice,” but then it never comes to fruition?


We understand it can be difficult to find the time to create new protocols and introduce new concepts and technology into practice. Let us help you take the guesswork out with this one-of-a-kind Implementation Workshop!


We have done all the prep work for you and will share the protocols to take it from an idea to implementation.  Many of the conference topics will be covered and more.  You’ll be able to follow along in your own workbook that you get to take back to the office.

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